In the month of March Mexico City will play host to the Anton Vidokle's United Nations Plaza. If you want the chance to discuss the various issues related to contemporary art be sure to be in attendance!
Telesforo - Part of the great team of workers who have been working on renovating the house for the past 4 months. We've moved in but our kitchen is still in disrepair.
An stenciled image of Robert Smith on a wall in Lyon. I guess someone else came along and to offense to the Cure frontman...The urban conversation between people who never meet.
Another image from Holland. This is Leiden Centraal. This photo was taken at about 6 in the morning after learning a valuable travel experience - hotel rooms fill up quickly.
This is an Ikea parking lot on the outskirts of Philadelphia. I remember the exit - 23 - but the name is a little more difficult - Norristown perhaps....
Still going through the archives: This one is from Holland, almost 10 years ago. I've been moving and I've been without internet, so that is the reason for the delay of posts. Ready for about 10!
This is a long way from the pristine streets of Belgravia. With the Olympics coming to London, I wonder how much the city will change. Does money make everything nicer?
Click on the picture to go to an interesting article about lines and the obeying of them. One could substitute Mexico for Romania. Echar Laminar es todo que es necesario par este Ciudad (D.F.)